Well, I wanted to jazz up my Math block,
and after searching around, found my answer! MATH WORKSHOP!
I read this Scholastic post from Beth Newingham
and structured my Math Workshop after hers. I. Love. it!
Here's how it looks in my classroom.
I divided my students into 3 groups based on Math level.
I have one group of 8 and two groups of 9.
Each group rotates to 3 stations during Math Workshop.
This allows for differentiation among groups. We spend 1 hour in Math Workshop.

Rotation One- 20 minutes
Group 1- My Emergent Group meets with me for initial instruction of today's skill
and remediation from our last skill. We meet on the carpet and use manipulatives
and marker boards.

Group 2- My Independent Group meets with my Assistant Teacher (partner in crime) to practice today's skill and receive enrichment on previous skills. They complete workbook pages (We use Math in Focus-Singapore Math) and use marker boards for extra practice.

Group 3-My Instructional Group completes differentiated work stations that review previous skills. We have 4 work stations each week. For my group of 8, students work with a partner. My groups of 9 have 3 partner groups and 1 trio. All differentiated work stations are hands-on activities that review skills and strategies we have previously learned.

Rotation Two- 20 minutes
Group 1-My Emergent group practices today's skill and reviews previous skills
with my Assistant.
Group 2-My Independent group completes differentiated work stations that review previous skills and allow them to work on more advanced skills.
Group 3-My Instructional group receives instruction from me on today's skill and remediation/enrichment when needed.
Rotation Three- 20 minutes
Group 1-My Emergent group completes differentiated Work Stations. These stations allow for varying levels.
Group 2-My Independent group receives instruction on today's skill and enrichment on other skills.
Group 3-My Instructional group practices today's skill and reviews previous skills with my Assistant. They also receive remediation/enrichment if needed.
I love, love, love teaching Math this way! My students love Math Workshop, too!